
New developers and wikepage's future

I am happy to announce that Wikepage has a new developer. Jose N. Medeiros will be the new lead programmer of the project.
Welcome Jose. Of course, with a two active developers, we have some plans for the future of wikepage.
Firstly, we plan the release the 2008.1 as soon as possible. This release will be the last classic Wikepage. It will have YouTube support and some bugfixes. As you know, wikepage is a small single-file php script.

After 2008.1, new wikepage will be completely rewritten. It planned to be a plugin supported microcode. SQLite and MySQL support, simple user authorization, a new administration, wikipedia type wiki-syntax and some other features are planned to be included in the new Wikepage. We will change the roadmap section at the Development page with including TODOs. Please visit us later for more information about the roadmap and new features of the future wikepage. And lastly.. with a microcode style index.php, previous prime directive* can not be logical any more. New wikepage will have its own new prime directive :) *:"index.php and zipped version of wikepage can not exceed a file size of 38911 bytes."

Thanks for your interest, S. B. Lisesivdin
